
Friday, November 30, 2012

I love this jewelry. It offers something for everyone.
Stylish, classy, fun and funky, different,
The variety is what made me choose this line.

I need some help. I'd love to have a new business partner to work with me and bring new faces, train, and work together to motivate.

I will be posting Decembers specials. I hear you'll love them.

Visit my Facebook page. Simply You. under Jennifer Longua MacDonald

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Change it up!

I got very sick this fall and could not work my business. I am still recovering but my business is doing fine. My co-advisors, the internet, mail, phone...........kept things steady. This is the beauty of working for yourself almost nothing can stop you. You just need to change things up.

visit my home on the web today  10% on all orders in November and December. Email your order to me and I will get you a total. Merry Holidays............

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I love this piece. It is actually three Bracelet's with strings that ten them. You can wear together, alone. Mix it up and have fun. See on my web sight

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Simpy You, brand new

Here are a few items from the fall edition:

see more

Saturday, August 11, 2012

2012/2013 New Catalog, ready

I hope you stop by my web page/ 
The new Catalog is theres. 
If you want me to mail one let me know. 

Enjoy, Jenn

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back home from my family vacation at Silver beach. I have the fall catalog. I can't wait to share some wonderful new information with you.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Why direct Sales

I told you I would tell you a bit about me in this blog. I am a 46 year old engaged (just) mom. I raised my three daughters basically alone. I had been married 12 years when thier Dad left me. I was also a consultant for a basket company. I did quite well the four years I was involved. 
After I settled into my new life of single mom,  fixed income, and working as a telemarketer. (Get your college degree.........LOL). I had lost the desire to sell, did not have the money to finance  my business. 
You see, I put it to the side for over six months. I needed new books, new samples, the ball I had started rolling four years before stopped rolling. I did not have the energy to restart it. And so I did not.
Eight years later, I live in a nice home with my financee, my three girls and Simply You's amazing start up oppurtunity. I missed the Vendor shows, I missed the meetings, and mostly the home shows. I love meeting and getting to know new people. I love to offer them products I adore. And so I decided it was time to come back to all that. 
I'm still here for my girls, I can drive them to friends, practice, and say hello when they come in, most of the time. I do my business while they live thier lives, I enjoy them and Gary (financee) while they live thier lives. It's great place to be. 

Visit Jenn's Simply You
See all there is to love