
Friday, July 13, 2012

Why direct Sales

I told you I would tell you a bit about me in this blog. I am a 46 year old engaged (just) mom. I raised my three daughters basically alone. I had been married 12 years when thier Dad left me. I was also a consultant for a basket company. I did quite well the four years I was involved. 
After I settled into my new life of single mom,  fixed income, and working as a telemarketer. (Get your college degree.........LOL). I had lost the desire to sell, did not have the money to finance  my business. 
You see, I put it to the side for over six months. I needed new books, new samples, the ball I had started rolling four years before stopped rolling. I did not have the energy to restart it. And so I did not.
Eight years later, I live in a nice home with my financee, my three girls and Simply You's amazing start up oppurtunity. I missed the Vendor shows, I missed the meetings, and mostly the home shows. I love meeting and getting to know new people. I love to offer them products I adore. And so I decided it was time to come back to all that. 
I'm still here for my girls, I can drive them to friends, practice, and say hello when they come in, most of the time. I do my business while they live thier lives, I enjoy them and Gary (financee) while they live thier lives. It's great place to be. 

Visit Jenn's Simply You
See all there is to love

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