
Saturday, July 7, 2012


When building a new business and sustaining an existing one, office hours are so important. I myself just dropped the ball on that one. The kids got out of school for the summer, Gary needed to go visit his Dad, and we had workers at the house. It made it near impossible to maintian my 9am-11am office hours. It didn't have to be that way. The kids need respect that working from home IS work, I could have adjusted my hours to help Gary. I didn't and now I am behind on a few things. I bielieve each task must be done or you will loose focus, customers, shows, potential downline.

What do I do during my office  hours. Since I am building my business I do a lot of promoting. I make flyers, stamp catalogs, I book Vendor shows, call leads, cold call.  I also work of my business page both from Simply you and facebook. I want to keep up to date on this blog, continue building my FRANK list, and build my data base. These things can be very time consuming.

I keep in mind that each step, no matter how small, if done consistently will ultimately build a strong foundation for my Simply You business. Back to office hours for me.

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