
Monday, June 25, 2012

Simply You, Simply Me

Welcome! I am Jenn. I am many things...........Wife, mother, "taxi driver", sister, daughter. All Mom's of almost grown kids know what it's like. I decided I wanted to do something that was about me. Something I could feel good about and hopefully bring some needed cash into our home as our kids get ready for college.
      I decided to do Something different, out of character for me. I decided to try direct sales. I did a lot of research and decided to sign on with a young company. Simply You, amazing Fashion Jewelry.
As I write I am at the beginning of my journey. I ordered my kit, my supplies and I am nervously planning my "Opening Party"....... I welcome you to read a long as I go on this journey.
      I named my blog, Simply You Simply me, because it won't be all about my jewelry. It will be about me, Stories that impact me and hope you. It will be about YOU, because I hope you add comments, and stories about yourself.

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